Tuesday, 29 March 2016


Well this is it, the last night under the same roof as my children. For now anyway. As soon as I am able to get a suitable place I will have them over to stay as often as work / ex wife permits. I've been doing some serious thinking this last 24 hours and realise that, yes, I am being seperated from my family but in the long run I'm getting a reasonably good side of the deal. For the most part I will be getting all ths positives from the kids, fun times, trips out and sleep overs. Whilst I would be happy to be part of everything I suspect I wont be part of all the tears and misery. I understand this is a very self centered and mercenary way of looking but I need to cling on to any positives I can find right now. If I can look to the future with a brighter outlook I can actually make it through this situation unscathed.

I've made a start on a kids book I've decided to write. I'm up to chapter four and so far its pretty good, the ideas are coming thick and fast. The whole story will  definitely fill a trilogy, maybe even more. The kids have even got involved, my son saw I was struggling to find a good name for a Coven Queen (obviously a powerful and dark witch). When I described her to him in detail and briefly covered her role in the story he sat thinking for a bit and said "How about Magda Blackworthy?". I was totally impressed it fits her character perfectly. The tale also has Vampires and right now I'm struggling to name their homeland. I've set the kids to task and they are having a think, it would be great for them both to have a large amount of input. After all the books will be aimed at their age group and slightly older. If anyone reading this can think of names for Witches (male and female), Vampires (again both sexes) and their homelands it would be greatly appreciated. If the book do get published and obviously thats a big if, credits to anyone making suggestions would be forthcoming and clearly named in the thank you section. Please either comment or message/email me with any suggestions, please use recoveryblog2211@gmail.com

Well i look forward to hearing from anyone. Hopefully more interaction than the whole poetry flop lol

Ciao for now

#writing #recovery #vampires #witches #magic #heroin #blog #seperation #relapseprevention #recovery

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