Sunday, 28 February 2016


Actually got some sleep last night, from 2am till about 6am. It was great proper restful sleep. Still cramping legs and uncontrollable full body stretches, yawns and poorly tummy. However having sleep has made these so much easier to deal with. I must pull my finger out and find a job this week. It's time to get back into life, a bit daunting but I'm sure I'll enjoy it. I've never been work shy. Ironically I may have landed a job as a delivery driver for a Brewery of all places. Well at least they know the stock will be safe. Need to try and rescue my house so my daughter can stay here and finish her school year before moving on. She's doing so well it will benefit her to complete the year before transitioning to a new area. My son is going in 6 weeks with his mum to start his new school. This is ideal as he really has had trauma with bullying at school and the school not recognising as such for 6 months. Shocking really but I do feel for the bully as his dad's not around and who knows what homelike he has. I've tried educate my son towards a more deeper understanding of life and how there is usually a reason people are bad. I fully believe that nearly all humans are born a blank slate and learnt behaviours and environmental factors contribute to their make up. I suppose it's the nature versus nurture argument but however it comes people are born a clean slate. Funny how some religions put the sins of the world onto new born children till they are baptised, I've never managed to get my head round this concept.

Well I've digressed and gone off at a tangent but still it's all relative.

Ciao for now

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