I made it through the night, not sure how. My drug and alcohol worker screened me for Methadone which came up negative so I was prescribed Naltrexone. I was soon to realise that perhaps my receptors weren't quite empty. In 26 years of using that is by far the most intense withdrawal I have ever experienced. D + V, loss of consciouness, I kept finding my self on the floor, half on/off the sofa. Severe Pain in every ounce of my being. It was horrific, I am too frightened to continue the Naltrexone and must speak to a dr first, in case it was a reaction as well as withdrawal. Methadone is indeed a horrible drug to get out of the system. Yes I understand it can stabilise people when their lives are chaotic, stop crime etc. However the reality of getting off it is a whole other ball game. It must be done in a slow controlled manor. Rapid Detox followed by Naltrexone for blocking, I wouldn't wish upon my worst enemy. Once again I find myself thinking of education, not only with service users/addicts but perhaps with Service Providers and Writers of legislation. Sadly it's all about the money and drug abuse is still very much misunderstood. It is a health issue, no one chooses to become addicted to anything it is a process, generally caused by deeper underlying issue. That may seem a bit all encompassing and I realise every ones journey is personal to them, however I haven't met anyone who fell in to addiction who hasn't got a traumatic story to share. Awareness needs to be raised, if someone isn't ready to change then give them their drug of choice, and safe areas to use such. The crime levels would reduce, health issues would lesson, and when people are ready they can engage in treatment. There are indeed a few places where this approach is used.
This approach is called DCR and has been attempted in a few cities/countries. Sadly though it hasn't been more widespread.
Stop Criminalising, Raise Awarenes, Pave the way for the future.
Ciao for now. (Glad I have access to a pad again, blogging via a phone was, tricky)
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