Wednesday, 13 April 2016


I thought I would share with my mum the abuse that happened when I was 8. I was tactful and asked if she would like to know what happened to me when I was 8, I got exactly the same response as I got from my exwife. Not wanting to know. Funny how things go, the 2 people i expected unconditional Love and support from didnt provide it. Perhaps I'm expecting too much from folk, I must remember that I haven't exactly provided them with much support over the last 5 years. I am however getting support from services, the new agency seems to have a lot more resources. I have only had 1 appt so far and counselling has been offered. Unable to attend some of the groups as my sibling and spouse go to them. Overall though I feel I'm able to move forward again. Its been a stagnant time for sure.

On another positive my kids are throughly enjoying their new school still, long may it continue. I've also had the opportunity to play some xbox one on my youngest sisters machine. What a great peice of kit. Probably should put getting one way down on my priority list but I love it. Its therapeutic and a fantastic distraction when feeling vulnerable, good for the sleepless times too. Theres only so much writing one cam do in a sitting.

There was a kidult from england,
Who found preventing relapse quite bland,
A game here and there did distract,
Its become quite a tool thats a fact,

Xbox is by far the best,
If I had one i'd give the poetry a rest.
Providing hours of non toxic fun,
Perhaps Microsoft could donate one.

Ciao for now

#relapseprevention #heroin #blog #xbox #support #abstinence #addiction #treatment #abuse #PTSD

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