Saturday, 9 April 2016


Well todays the day, I'm going to move back in with my mum. Will still be on a sofa but from time to time I can use a bed. If nothing else it will be nice to be able to provide her with some care at last. As previously mentioned my mum was a facilitator of my first drug experiences but is now completely drug free and elderly. My sister who is 22 now has been basically caring for our mum by herself, ai lived 160 miles away so I wasnt able to provide any real support. Its my turn now, my other sister is still very much in the throes of addiction and is unable to help all. Being severely bipolar she isnt really up to much, her meds dont leave her with much thinking power. I had some good news regarding my most important friend yesterday, his career is going from strength to strength. He may well be moving across the pond in the near future. In the midst of all my misery and woes there are still some bright lights that lift my spirits. On another positive the kids are helping me move to their nans today and are going to spend my first night with me. I forsee lots if cuddles and a movie, preceeded by a nice long walk around my old stomping ground. I have so much to show them, it will be great to spend some quality time together. I'll even cook them any dinner they choose, assuming they can agree in it without world war 3 ensuing. We can also talk about Monday its the first day in their new school, I can help ease their fears and I look forward to seeing them walk through the gates on the first day. The new uniforms are pretty cool.

Recovery is still going strong, long may it last.

Ciao for now

#addiction #recovery #moving #parenting #treatment #methadone #relocation #rehab #bloodyhashtag

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