Friday, 15 April 2016


Today I became fully engaged with the local services. "Inclusion" a very apt name it would seem. Following my initial assessment on Monday I was seen today by my prescribing dr, whilst GP can prescribe Naltrexone a service has to prescribe longterm. The Dr I saw to day was a psychiatrist. He actually asked for a full history, recommended counselling straight away, groups he felt would suit my stage of recovery. He was very interested in the link between my abuse and the Chronic Anxiety, which has ultimately led to a life of self medication. Now I know counselling is actually available and not just mentioned occasionally, I feel I may at last be able to deal with the trauma if the abuse. It actually felt like I was receiving very professional treatment and service. What an absolute breath of fresh air, I feel a fresh glimmer of hope. What this does highlight for me is the stark contrast in services. My last area statistally had the highest amount of Opiate Dependants per Sq mile in the country at some point in the last 5 years. I wonder if there is a correlation here. Ultimately it'll boil down to funding and simply this area is clearly better funded.

On a related note the Nepalese drug of choice is Heroin/Opiates. There are high numbers of Nepalese in services. I wonder if this is a problem that cane with them. Possible I suppose taking into account Nepals geographical location, closer to source as it were.

Ciao for now

#opiate #heroin #addiction #blog #nepalese #drugtreatment #dependancy

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