Sunday, 10 April 2016


Well I've settled in ok at my mums. It was mice to have the kids stay with me overnight. There was lots of changing beds and shuffling about and stuff. Still it was nice. My daughter is finding it hardest, she misses me desperately as do i them. My son doesnt show his emotions so openly but the many squeezy cuddles tell me he's also missing me a lot. Its heartbreaking when I have to day goodbye.

If only i could bottle this misery and situation, give people a day of it, just 24 hours. It would deter a lot of people from making poor choices.

Experience the life, just for a day.
Friends and family fade away.
Teach them young, make them aware.
For if you use, this is how you'll fare.

Learn from others, living in pain.
See all they've lost and ne'er a gain.
Understand all this in a snapshot.
For if you ignore, that will be your lot.

Ciao for now

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