Tuesday, 5 April 2016


That was an interesting night, full of back pain and leg twitches. Soafing loafing when middle aged is an indurance sport. See how long I can take it before I have too seek an alternative sofa. Perhaps a change in discomfort will make it more interesting. On a positive note its my sons 10th birthday today and we are spending some time together. He got an Xbox one off his mum and grandma, he is over the moon. Unfortunately the updating process is taking quite some time, he's chomping at the bit. Patience is a virtue but not when you are 10 lol. Well off for a haircut and perhaps the 3gb update will be done by the time we finish. Its a lovely machine though, connected to the max. I can't believe my son has his own console and live account now. How time flies, before I know it they'll both be "all growed up". So far so good, they are both good kids, as biased as I am tis still true. Well at least for today I am safe and sound. The everpresent fear of relapse at this tumultuous time is wearing thin. Isn't life supposed to be amazing when in recovery, saying that if all the other areas of my life were sorted I suspect life would seem better. Must keep my chin up, my predilection for Doom and Gloom is risky, I must be mindful and positive.

Have a great day one and all.

Ciao for now

#relapse #addiction #birthday #blog #depression #heroin #methadone #treatment #rehab #hashtag

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