Sunday 14 February 2016


Well today has dragged a bit, I've been plodding round like a zombie. Tired and a little uncertain but still positive. I get dishcarged next saturday. Its been empowering to aknowledge the abuse I experienced as a child. I understand its really early days and that i will somehow have to seek more counselling but I have taken the first and most difficult step. I am starting to see a future again and actually have a 5 year plan and aspirations. I long for the simple things in life. The true pleasures, music, family, good food, socialising the list could go on and on. When I think back I have always had to seek intoxication for pleasure as well as blocking out painful emotions. I still havent recieved the poem but am sure it will be sent any time now. I look forward to sharing its very insightful and written by a long term addict. Who following 26 years of use is now in recovery. He has been a real inspiration too me in here. In fact all my peers have they are a good bunch it looks like I came in just at the right time. By the time I leave I will actually have a few days totally medication free. I admit I am scared but I am also ready for life.

Ciao for now

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